Nobody knows the struggle more than our Founder, John A. James. Our family has been in the value add, assembly, warehousing and transportation business for over 50 years and it never came easy. Hard work. Determination. Getting up and refusing to stay down. We even took our fight to the Supreme Court… never giving up on our right to compete and achieve fairness and equality. The journey is hard. The journey is long. Which is why we’re here to help with the James Group Drive. It’s our family giving a hand to other entrepreneurs, visionaries and hopeful scholars on their way to changing the world. We want to help our brothers and sisters thrive in this beautiful city of ours and this is our way of sharing our blessings.
The James Group Family has started a $100,000 Funding Initiative to develop entrepreneurs and students in the City of Detroit to help accelerate growth and excellence in our community. If you’re driven and have a clear vision for the future to benefit both yourself and the community, then we need to hear from you!
Simply create a video pitch, enter at thejgdrive.com, post it on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram and tag us @jamesgroupintl #thejgdrive so we see you. That’s it! We’ll review your submissions and select a winner this October.
Now! We want to hear from you sooner than later. The contest runs for two months, so you have time to put your video together, but we’re excited to see what you have planned. Submissions end August 30, 2021.